“Learning dancing could be related to watching a sunset. You walk down the street and look through the trees to see the evening colors. It’s pleasant, requires little exertion, and is better than staying on your couch. Alternatively, you could work a bit harder and ascend the nearby hill to see the entire valley lit up in oranges and purples. Although more effort, the experience is ageless and sublime. Once you’re up, you know that it was worth it.
Dancing is similar. Any form of dancing that gets you “off your couch” is better than the alternative – you still get a glimpse of the beauty. But Tabish will enable you to experience the full beauty of dance and the connection you can acquire with others. Like a sunset, moving in unison with another person is of the most satisfactory feelings you’ll ever encounter.
So dancing is great – why Idaho Dance Sport? Tabish the tallest hill in Boise – in fact, many other instructors are his “foothills.” Like geological features, he’s been around a long time – he knows his community and he knows his dance. Like a steep slope, he’ll challenge you physically and mentally. But just when you’re starting to wear down, he’ll give you a vista like you’ve never experienced. And you’ll keep going.
So grab your shoes and hop on the trail. I’ll see you up there.”